The Slow Re-opening at Kendal

With the nicer weather finally upon us, we are all hopeful for a “change” – the change that comes seasonally and in this current experience, the changes that a reopening of Kendal on Hudson will bring. The Operations Team and Infection Control Committee have been continuously monitoring Hudson community’s COVID activity and have been actively working to respond to the ever-changing conditions. While our geographic region has entered Governor Cuomo’s Phase III, the Operations Team has met and begun to establish Kendal Phases of reopening. This communication serves to clarify some previous guidance and provide a snapshot of what we hope is to come as we slowly reopen. Please note that our ability to reach new phases will be contingent upon successfully maintaining the health of our entire community.

• Social gatherings of up to a maximum of 6 individuals
• Outdoor gatherings only
• Must wear masks and maintain 6-foot social distance

• Independent Resident visitors welcomed back to campus on Mon 6/8
• All visits outdoors; bathrooms available ground floor lobbies of Alida, Clermont and Robert Fulton ONLY; NO visitors in apartments yet
• Where possible, limit visitors to four at a time
• Terrace remains a resident safe zone; please, no visitors on the Terrace
• Visitors must wear masks and observe 6-foot social distancing

Residents are highly encouraged to remain on campus and continue using Kendal services and facilities. However, should you need to leave or choose to do so, use extreme caution and use the following safety guidelines: wear a mask, socially distance (6 feet or more), have hand sanitizer with you and/or wash your hands.


• Medical Appointments – Kendal transportation available by appointment
• Beauty Salon Appointments – Kendal transportation available by appointment
• Retail & dining curbside pick up in your personal vehicle
• Outdoor dining via your personal vehicle
• Day Trips with Family Members; Guidance includes:
o Wear a mask when traveling in the car with non-Kendal family members
o Sit in the back seat, if possible
o Visit outdoors, if possible
o Socially distance when on visit
o Overnight stays are not recommended at this time; however, if you do vacation or stay overnight with family, you must self-quarantine upon your return. Call Resident Services for additional information.